Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Ever Happened To a Nice Relaxing Life With No Responsibilities?!

Just to warn you ahead of time, I went a little picture crazy with this blog. I must be a proud parent or something because I thought all the pictures were blog worthy, but I narrowed it down as best I could. Hope you enjoy!

Well Slade spent most of his first month of life sleeping, only waking up to eat and poop. I didn't complain though, it gave me an opportunity to establish a routine and it just so happened that Zoey was pretty sick for 3 weeks. I think the Lord knew I couldn't handle a sick child and a newborn who was awake all the time. Things have slowed down as much as possible I suppose. Everyone is healthy and well. I'm not sure about Cam, but I am counting down till basketball is over, I'm ready to have a husband back. He has done a good job with rebuilding yet another team and the boys work hard for him. He works hard and we are proud of him. Zoey is still adjusting to life with a little brother and has gone back and forth to being a big sister and a little mommy, thinking she can take better care of Slade than I can.

We have had a few run ins and are starting to see some behavior that doesn't fit her, but I know its normal.
This was a day that she liked having Slade around. It was the first week we were home

Zoey hasn't had her usual cheesy smiles for pictures lately so we take what we can get. She is now into dressing herself, whether its her clothes or mine. She even tries to get Slades on.

This is what happens when Daddy gives her a bath. I can't believe how long her hair has gotten. She has grown up so much even from the summer.

I don't really see any resemblence between them, but I promise they are siblings. Slade has packed on the pounds and a week ago he already weighed 12 pounds 4 oz. His 3 month clothes are borderline small for him. He sure didn't stay a newborn for very long.

Cute little family. I couldn't ask for anything more. I love them so much and am very blessed to have them. I knew having 2 kids would be hard, but I didn't know how hard. It has taken adjustment. I feel like a bad mother to one or the other when I cant give them 1 on 1 attention, but I know thats not possible.

I dont miss working onie bit. Each day has its challenges but this is by far the best job I could ask for.

I can already tell he is going to be a deep thinker. What a handsome boy!

Christmas morning at my parents house. Slade slept through most of it but loves what Santa brought him.

This was one of the days Zoey wasn't feeling good and this pictures shows it. Santa brought her a bike which she rides around our living room as best she can. I'll be glad when the weather warms up so we can go outside.

Christmas outfit from Aunt Alicia. He didn't really care for his beanie, but it was too cute not to get a picture.

Not her best picture but again, she was sick. Still cute if you ask me.

We blessed Slade in Murtaugh January 2 and had a lunch at Grandma Nell's house. It was a busy day to end Cam's 2 week vacation. We had lots of family come and support us. Slade's cousin Kayson thought he was wearing a dress because of his bow tie.

A good picture of Slade, not so much of me. I can't believe how much he has changed already. His hair is getting lighter and has a reddish tint to it. Still has quite a bit, not as much as he was born with but hanging on.

He looks so little in Cam's arms, but trust me, he's becoming quite the chunky monkey. Slade, not Cam!!

This was one of Slade's first real smiles. He was so serious for the longest time but is now starting to show his personality. He loves people talking to him and coos right back. When Zoey decides to give him sloppy kisses he'll even grumble, which Zoey thinks is hilarious.

Kinda looks like he's going on a ride, but he was just really excited. Cute dimples and little butt chin!

This one is the latest of them together. If it looks like Slade has curly hair, he does. He just had a bath and talk about the curls....unfortunately it usually dries straight. It's so hard to get a good pic of them together. We've been trying since he was born.

And last of all....He doesn't even get left alone when he sleeps. In fact this is Zoey's favorite time to "play" with him. She'll pile her toys right on top of him. One of these days he's going to get lost in them.
I just want to thank all our family and friends again for all they have done for us this last month and a half. We were gone every weekend for the first month for one thing or another, and I'm sure we were more of a burden on my mom as she was kind enough to let us stay at her house.
2 kids has definetly changed our lives, but I can honestly say for the better. I feel a heavier load on my shoulders to teach them right and guide them but like I said before....its worth it. I can't imagine my life without 2 beautiful children and a loving husband who I dont give enough credit to. While our lives will continue on a roller coaster, I will try to keep pics up to date. Until then, count your blessings!