Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Final post before baby.....hopefully!

I thought I better update our blog before baby #2 comes along and our lives change once again. For the better of course.....

These last few months have been filled with one thing after the other. We found a home in Gooding to rent and moved here in August. Cam absolutely loves being this close as he not only coached football again this year but just started basketball this week. His football season was a good one, they made it to the playoffs for the first time in a long time. He is finially starting to see hard work pay off. I am blessed to be able to stay home with Zoey. It has been so much fun! Even though she is starting to get a little bit of an attitude (of course from Cam) its been such a blessing to be with her during the day. She never ceases to amaze me with the things she knows. She talks like crazy and her facial expressions are something else. As you can tell by her pics she is quite the cheese ball when she sees the camera. She loves loves loves books. She is able to match colors together, patterns, and is learning to count to five. (she's up to 3 right now!) She loves to color and get into anything she can. She is a very sweet girl and has to give her teddy bear and monkey a kiss before naptime and bedtime. As of right now she loves her baby brother. Hopefully when he arrives she will feel the same! I'm sure it will be an adjustment for all of us. I am just hoping that Cam will be here when I need to go to the hospital. He has a string of 8 road games during my due date so it could be interesting, but I do have a few back-up plans. We are 3 weeks away from our actual due date, but I am ready whenever. I would like to make it through Thanksgiving though which is only a week away so I'm sure I will. I will try to get pics up of the new arrival when it finally happens. Till then, we will continue to count our blessings and keep taking it one day at a time.

Zoey's first pigtails. She's growing up fast.
What a cute little bug!

Bad hair day, thankfully she just woke up.