Sunday, February 22, 2009

We are no longer in control!!!

Sorry all! It has been quite some time since our last post, but we have been extremely busy with work and student teaching. These pictures of Peanut are new to the blog, but are actually 3 weeks old. She is growing like crazy, weighing in over 2 pounds and is about 15 inches long. She moves and kicks like crazy and absolutely demanded that we put pictures of her room and furniture on the blog. Thats right she isn't even born and is running the roost. Dacia and I are doing really well. We spent presidents day and valentines in Boise, and enjoyed having nothing to do. We even hit the outlets and picked up Peanut some new clothes (but don't worry she isn't spoiled). The fish are growin, and Gus never fails to do his chores every day (which are eating, crapping, sitting on the leather couch looking out the window, and hauling milk rings to our bed) He always does his due diligence and isn't at all worthless. Well till next time, Peace out!