Sunday, December 5, 2010

3 is a crowd, 4 is just perfect!

He made it!!! Slade Ronnie Andersen came into our lives Saturday December 4th. As you can see from some of the pictures he was an early Christmas present (at least for me). Cam got a new T.V. For everyone who told me I didn't look 9 months pregnant, I just want to say this baby was no easy task, weighing in at 9 lbs and 21 inches long. He has quite the squeal and set of lungs on him, fortunately he has been pretty good natured thus far. He takes after his dad in almost every way, including all that hair. He has Zoey's chin and facial expressions but the rest is all Cam. Zoey was a little unsure of things at first but came back later that night and gave little brother kisses! What a sweet girl!!! It has been hard being away from her, and I think she is adjusting better than I am.

So far, we have a healthy baby boy and will be able to go home Monday. I tested positive for Strep B and unfortunately they were only able to give one dose of antiboitics before he was born, so there is a little concern that he could get infected. The doctors are going to do blood tests and labs tomorrow just to make sure its safe to take him.
We have much to be thankful for, 2 beautiful children, loving family and friends who are willing to do whatever to help us out. We seem to be blessed every step of the

way. More pics to come as soon as life settles down a bit.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Final post before baby.....hopefully!

I thought I better update our blog before baby #2 comes along and our lives change once again. For the better of course.....

These last few months have been filled with one thing after the other. We found a home in Gooding to rent and moved here in August. Cam absolutely loves being this close as he not only coached football again this year but just started basketball this week. His football season was a good one, they made it to the playoffs for the first time in a long time. He is finially starting to see hard work pay off. I am blessed to be able to stay home with Zoey. It has been so much fun! Even though she is starting to get a little bit of an attitude (of course from Cam) its been such a blessing to be with her during the day. She never ceases to amaze me with the things she knows. She talks like crazy and her facial expressions are something else. As you can tell by her pics she is quite the cheese ball when she sees the camera. She loves loves loves books. She is able to match colors together, patterns, and is learning to count to five. (she's up to 3 right now!) She loves to color and get into anything she can. She is a very sweet girl and has to give her teddy bear and monkey a kiss before naptime and bedtime. As of right now she loves her baby brother. Hopefully when he arrives she will feel the same! I'm sure it will be an adjustment for all of us. I am just hoping that Cam will be here when I need to go to the hospital. He has a string of 8 road games during my due date so it could be interesting, but I do have a few back-up plans. We are 3 weeks away from our actual due date, but I am ready whenever. I would like to make it through Thanksgiving though which is only a week away so I'm sure I will. I will try to get pics up of the new arrival when it finally happens. Till then, we will continue to count our blessings and keep taking it one day at a time.

Zoey's first pigtails. She's growing up fast.
What a cute little bug!

Bad hair day, thankfully she just woke up.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Anniversary...The Zoo...and many hours in the car with Cam...This can't go wrong!

Congratulations to me.....I have made it 3 whole years putting up with Cam! J/K honey!!! I must say it has been an adventerous 3 years with lots of memories, and of course we have our beautiful Zoey Bug to show for it and another on the way. Man, time really does fly.
Well, to celebrate our Anniversary we decided to take a trip to Utah to see family and friends and to take Zoey to the Hogle Zoo! Overall, I would say it was a success. Zoey loved all the animals and you can see by the pictures, it was a tiring weekend for her.
We were able to have dinner with Cam's cousins Friday night. After hitting the zoo and doing a little shopping Saturday, we caught up with one of my good friends from college that we haven't seen since Cam and I got married. They made us dinner (thanks again guys) and walked to the park for a little playtime. It was so much fun! They have a little boy who is just 2 weeks older than Zoey. It took them a little to get warmed up to each other but by the end of the night they were pals. Who knows, maybe they will end up together in the future!
It was nice to get away from "life" for just a little while and to enjoy our little family. Everyday is an adventure with Zoey especially now that she's walking, but I love every minute of it, and keep thinking that in just a few months our lives with get even crazier. We are extremely excited for yet another adventure and look forward to future anniversaries and memories.

Wow dad, way to close for my beauty shot.

Crazy hair! Need to get ready for the zoo!

This is her mischievious look!

Our little monster loves to put bags on her head.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

GIANT NEWS, BIG News, MEDIUM news, and news!!!

Well, it has been about 2; ok, ok, 3 months since we last posted, so lots and lots have happened:
First the GIANT NEWS - Well at least for Dacia and is over in the next couple of weeks. Five days for me, and 9 days for her. And that is the last nine days before she goes on a long sobatical to raise kids. Yes we will be poor, but if our kids turn out not to shoot up an elementary school because of R.A.D. then we will be in good shape. Plus the blessings seem to keep pouring down us...good thing Dacia lives right!!
Second the BIG News - Our little peanut has grown from being able to fit in my two hands to a giant monster in no time. No she isn't a monster, she is absolutely perfect and from the pictures you can tell she is also the most beautiful girl since the creation! Yep, I said it! Well Zoey turned 1 this week. 1! She has four teeth, and is working on walking, and never gets her way!! We love our monster bug and are trying to figure out how to keep her young so she never grows up!!
Third the MEDIUM news - We are going through a transition as far as living quarters go. We are planning on moving closer to my work this summer in Gooding, since Dacia won't be working. Until then we have gone the route of the vagabond and will temporarily stay at Dacia's parents. It has been pretty good except we find it hard to all fit in one queen sized bed with Dacia's parents, but I found a cozy niche near the hammer toe! Just kidding Sheryl. They have been extremely gracious to let us stay here while we look for a place and we are thankful.
Last just the news - well Zoey was sitting there ready to blow out her candle and she paused and thought a second...we thought what is she doing and little did we know she threw us a major fast ball. Apparently she wished that she could be a big sister and wouldn't you know it Dacia was pregnant the next day!! Ok, maybe not the next day, but yes we are pregnant! Yes it was planned, and Dacia is 11 weeks along and due December 9th. I know this is probably the giant news, but what fun would that have been. We will try to stay updated as Dacia will now have all kinds of time (he he) so I hope to turn the blog duties over to her. Don't worry, I am sure I will stop by once in a while. Well untill then, when we will have fresh ultra sound pictures... Cya later.